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Color Raid

Game Designer - Graphic and Sound Designer

Developed by: humorVitreo Studio

Platform: Android

Developed on: Unity

Color Raid is a reimagining of the classic '80s shooter, merging the original gameplay with a brand new level of cognitive challenge.

It is also a tool to teach color theory, as you need to avoid your own color and analogous ones, but you are safe when you face the complementary.

Gameplay video

The Process

Just as the original version, River Raid, you control a plane that needs to avoid obstacles, shoot enemies and recharge your fuel on gas stations to keep advancing.

But there is a new layer of challenge: the color of your plane changes at the end of every stage, and it will collide with enemies and obstacles of the same color, but not others. When colors overlap, they mix up, and the player has to keep that in mind in order to survive.

Here is how collision works:

Collision cyan.png
Collision Magenta.png
Collision yellow.png

Each color collides with itself. That's true also when it is present within other colors. Black, the result of all colors being added together, collides with everything.

The levels had to be designed considering this mixing of colors. There are 10 levels for each primary color (cyan, magenta and yellow), and they are randomly combined to create 1000 different levels.

Cyan levels are wide with obstacles in the middle.

Magenta levels are narrow.

Yellow levels have a mix of wide and narrow areas.

All levels combined.

Sound effects are the same as the original game, but their pitch changes depending on the color: yellow has a higher pitch, magenta a lower one and cyan is in the middle.

At the end of each level, the player is randomly assigned one of the three colors, and pitch changes accordingly

Apart from the original graphics, new icons and logo were worked out.

Controls were also adapted to touch screen.

Touch to go left

Touch to pause

Touch to go right

Touch to shoot

Tutorial screens:

Play store screens:

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